Hyderabad Metro Connects 2013

Hyderabad Metro Connect

L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Limited in association with The Atlanta Foundation brought to you Hyderabad Metro Connects 2013 – a celebration of two most popular eco-friendly commutes – Cycling and the Metro Rail. This event was also a commitment of LTMRHL towards sustainability and children’s education.

Hyderabad Metro Connects was spread along the 3 Metro Rail Corridors; Blue Line, Red Line and Green Linein 6 editions (2 in each corridor).

The first ride of the series: HYDERABAD METRO CONNECTS – BLUE EDITION.

Date: 17th February 2013

Location: Shilparamam to Nagole (Corridor 3)

Distance: 27.51 km

This massive community ride saw more than 2000 riders which included corporate employees, students and citizens. This ride culminated at Nagole (Uppal Depot) with a grand felicitation ceremony.

Hyderabad Metro Connect 2013

Objectives of Hyderabad Metro Connects:

  • To create awareness on the Hyderabad Metro Rail project and its symbiotic relationship with cycling
  • To promote greater use of public transportation and eco-friendly commuting among citizens and youth
  • To help fund &create awareness towards the education of the underprivileged kids in the schools adopted by The Atlanta Foundation.