Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassadors Campaign

Brand Ambassador

The Hyderabad Metro Rail – Brand Ambassadors Campaign was conceptualized and promoted by L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Limited. It was a unique platform created to bring all denizens of Hyderabad to be completely involved with Hyderabad Metro Rail Project.

This campaign was launched on 8th of January,2013 through Press Conference and a tremendous amount of enthusiasm was seen with over 25000 registrations completed in the first week itself, with over 1,92,000 visits to the website.



Hyderabad Metro Rail is by essence a People’s Project. Hyderabad Metro Rail Project is for the city and the people of Hyderabad. Everyone has ownership and hence, when it comes to the selection of Brand Ambassadors, the denizens of Hyderabad are the obvious choice.


The campaign aimed at find the right flag bearers for Hyderabad Metro Rail from various genres. A total number of 8 Brand Ambassadors would be selected through a stringent format and methodology, carried out in various phases to select the right set of Brand Ambassadors.

Duration & Categories

This activity was spread over a period of 11 months touching various genres of society– School & College Students, Executives, Housewives, Senior Citizens and Entrepreneurs

Selection Process Highlights

Hyderabad Metro Rail–Brand Ambassadors were selected by an eminent panel of judges through various audition rounds

The Brand Ambassadors selected will be the Face of Hyderabad Metro Rail Project

Will play an eminent role in publicity and visibility campaigns of Hyderabad Metro Rail


Students| Executives| Senior Citizens| Housewives| Entrepreneurs

1. Students

There were 2 subcategories under students:

a. School Students (from 6th to 10th Standard)
b. College Students (Junior College & Above)

Category a: School Students

Audition Round: All eligible registered applicants were called to participate in this round.

Round1– Students entered under any of THREE CATEGORIES: Dance – Solo; Singing – Solo; Extempore

Top 500 Students showcased their talent in ALL THREE categories

Finals – Choosing the Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador ( 22nd September 2013)

20 Finalists competed in the following rounds to win the title – Self-Introduction; Judges Q&A; Talent Round

1 Boy &1 Girl were finally chosen as ‘Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador – Category Students (Schools)’

Category b: College Students

Round1 – Group Discussion: All eligible registered applicants were called to participate in this round. Participants were divided into groups of 8 and given a topic to discuss.
Participants were evaluated on leadership, communication, inter-personal, problem solving ability, persuasive skills, attitude and general awareness

Semi Finals (25th August 2013)

Top 500 Students showcased their talent in ALL THREE categories: Dance - Solo; Singing - Solo; Extempore

Finals - Choosing the Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador (22nd September 2013)

20 Finalists competed in the following rounds to win the title - Self -Introduction; Judges Q&A; Talent Round

2 participants - 1 Girl & 1 Boy were finally chosen as the Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassadors Category - College Students.

2. Category - Executives

Corporates HMR Event Activation Venues: 10 prominent corporates were activation centres in the twin cities.


Round 1 - Psychometric Test: Participants were provided with Multiple Choice Questions testing them on their Personality, Aptitude, Soft Skills, Quantitative Skills & Language Skills

Round 2 - Group Discussion: Over 1300 executives from Round 1 were short-listed for Round 2. Participants were divided into groups of 10 each. The participants were given a topic to discuss on. The topics for the Group Discussion were connected with Hyderabad.

Executives were judged on communication, presentation, awareness and attention grabbing prowess

Semi Finals (25th August 2013)

Top 500 Executives showcased their talent in ALL THREE of the categories: Dance - Solo; Singing - Solo; Extempore

Finals - Choosing the Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador - 22nd September 2013

10 Finalists competed in the following rounds to win the title - Self -Introduction; Judges Q&A; Talent Round

1 Executive was finally chosen as 'Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador - Category - Executives'


3. Category - Housewives

Semi Finals (24th August 2013)

Talent Round

All eligible registered applicants were called to participate in this round. Participants displayed talent of Smart Buying. The Theme Smart Buying is on regular home needs. Participants were judged on confidence & Smart Buying.

Finals - Choosing the Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador (22nd September 2013)

10 Finalists competed in the following rounds to win the title - Self -Introduction; Judges Q&A; Talent Round

1 Housewife was finally chosen as 'Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador - Category - Housewives'

4. Category - Senior Citizens

Senior Citizens HMR Event Activation Venues: 10 prominent Housing Societies were activation centres in the twin cities.

Semi Finals (24th August 2013)

Experience of life

All eligible registered applicants were called to participate in this round. In this competition, the participants were given a specific topic to speak for 3 minutes. These topics ranged from anything specific about Hyderabad or the Metro rail Project.

Participants were judged on their communication, confidence and presentation skills.

Finals - Choosing the Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador (22nd September 2013)

10 Finalists competed in the following rounds to win the title - Self -Introduction; Judges Q&A; Talent Round

1 Senior Citizen was finally chosen as 'Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador - Category - Senior Citizens'

5. Category - Entrepreneurs

Semi Finals (24th August 2013)


All eligible registered applicants were called to participate in this round. In this competition, the participants are given a specific topic relating to their business to speak for 3 minutes. Other topics ranged from anything specific about Hyderabad or the Metro rail Project.

Participants were judged on their communication, confidence and presentation skills.

Finals - Choosing the Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador (22nd September 2013)

10 Finalists competed in the following rounds to win the title - Self -Introduction; Judges Q&A; Talent Round

1 Entrepreneur was finally chosen as 'Hyderabad Metro Rail Brand Ambassador - Category - Entrepreneurs'


HMR GRAND FELICITATION CEREMONY was held on 23rd November 2013