Metro Chronicles Through The Lenz

Hyderabad has a rich history and history has taught that change is the only thing which is constant. To chronicle the changes which has taken place through the 400 years of history, we are calling the denizens of Hyderabad to come forward and share what they have taken through their lens for posterity. This will later be taken to the Metro museum.

This is being done in association with Muse the Art Gallery. People of Hyderabad will send the photographs of all the changes which they see, have seen and will see up to the commissioning of the complete project. This will be on display at the Muse Art gallery and the best selected photograph will be awarded. This activity will be taking place on a quarterly basis till the commissioning of the complete project.

The first of the series showcased the history of transportation of Hyderabad where some very rare photographs were displayed. There were 98 photographs which showcased how transportation progressed. This was inaugurated by the Mayor of Hyderabad Md. Majid Hussain. Mr. Saifullah, the renowned historian of Hyderabad gave his expert comments and opinion about the complete transportation photographs which were on display. This was on display for 10 days. It was inaugurated on the 22ndSeptember 2013 and had wide coverage in the print media.

To encourage and engage the citizens of Hyderabad to capture snapshots of the on-going project work, LTMRHL started Metro Chronicles Thru the Lenz. These pictures will be showcased in an art gallery once in three months for the next four years and more.

Later these photographs will also be used for the Hyderabad Metro Rail museum which is in the offing. They will capture the journey of the Hyderabad Metro Rail Project.